Sky after rain its the single most beautifull sky in the world. Lights shine through the clouds. Plus, rainbow only came out after rain, no?


Thursday, October 28, 2010

picture credit

what a bone you ask?
its a new being!
that white creature with big round nose and annoying attitude
that is bone!

its a comic created by jeff smith and its totally awesome
six thumbs up! --whats up with six? dunno..
this comic is about this bone creature from boneville
unfortunately we are unable to see this boneville
but, the story itself still amaze me
truly an outstanding piece of work

a world of beauty valley filled with amazing creatures
dragons, talking bugs, talking possums, (almost everything talks around here)
they all feared of rat creatures controlled by the hooded one and the lord of the locust
thats where our hero bones come into the fray
fierce battle, endless chase, and mist!
but don't be too tense, the bones certainly can loosen up a few nerves and you'll be laughing all the way till morning (i did..)