Sky after rain its the single most beautifull sky in the world. Lights shine through the clouds. Plus, rainbow only came out after rain, no?

prepairing for 9/22

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

9/22 ??
no, its not another attacks on WTC
its the day my dad past away
(and also the day we got new kittens!)
its been 2 years now
actually i want to take a break that day
and go to his grave
but there is still alot of things to do

last year i went to his grave
and tell him everything that already happened during the past year
i'll tell him again tomorrow
i've changed alot
though not from the outside
"center of change in still"
theory of tornado
i'll try to pull every thing in
and seed them out
(i'm gonna try to talk tomorrow, last year i just cant say anything)

man its quite an awfull year!
and im yet still unable to earn anything
(beside alot of investment)
the time my uncle gave me has come
its been two years
i'll do anything next year to make money
no more layback (i havent do that this past few months)
and the rest?
leave it to GOD!


Friday, September 08, 2006

what in the world is that?
here's the story:

in my home, i had 4 cats (no moms)
recently, their mother returned back after her adventure seeking love
along with 5 kittens
my god! now i had 10 cats in my house!
i once watch oprah and it was the episode where there are person who had 80 or more cats in her house, god!
well, then they told me that a normal house can only allow 1 pets in their home
if you got more than that, it means you torture them
because you cant take care them well
i got too much

back to the topic
these kittens were all yellowish to brownish
twins? who knows?
so i name them tiwul
more because i cant differ them which one from who

okay you got the point
so what is tiwul anyway?
its a food from yogyakarta
made from sweet potato
fermented then crush it
ate them with coconut as replacement for rice
taste good!

im sick...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

im truly sick...
not being nuts or loco..
its really sick
flu i guess
its been cold these days
it take me 3 hours before i decide to take ab bath at 10 in the morning
and its still as cold as north pole
i usually claimed my self as cold elementals
yet vurnerable to clod my self

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