i dont know when it happens
but i did told you i had 4 cats
3 male and 1 female
currently 10 months old
the female one, my mom name it taz (from tazmanian devil) cause her color is a mix between black and yellow
and she had pregnant
i checked at wiki
they began mature at 7 months
who's ******** dare to touch MY cats?!?!
so then i read again
it takes 2 months to birth
and yesterday (around december 22 or 23)
she gave birth...
at the bed... (fortunately not on the bed we used to sleep at)
that day was chaos
my mom was gone abroad
and i'm busy uploading my website
that night i'm planning to watch tv and lay back after doing rough jobs
but God says otherwise
black out
somehow there's an explosion somewhere causing electric shutdown
i sleep on my bed
unknowing that the window was still opened (cause the black out)
then she came in
i'm too sleepy to respond
so i just kicking her out the bed (she wants to sleep on the bed)
then she suddenly stop
and get out of the room
so i can get my sleep back
few hours later (i cant see the clock)
she returned again
and i helplessly kicking her off the bed
so i get up
get her off the room
and walk blindly to close the window
so good to have love and PEACE in the world
the next day
her belly was flattened
so i checked her (sorry) bottom
and there's evidence of her giving birth
so i run all places in the house
and found nothing
so i guess
she done it outside
good for us
then God once again said otherwise
my sister found her nursing 3 litlle kittens
in the bed i've already checked before!
she got me good
3 weeks ago