Sky after rain its the single most beautifull sky in the world. Lights shine through the clouds. Plus, rainbow only came out after rain, no?

damage report

Monday, April 09, 2007

after the recent ram chaos
my computer got fixed with a simple correction
a friend of mine borrow his unused memory
then another damage is known
which caused my computer unable to use w*****s
well he's a good friend of mine
so he fix it
but an accident occurs
black out
and 20Gigs of my data erased for good
i almost hang my self

but he's a good friend of mine
he give me a recovery program
and from 20Gigs i should say 80% were recovered
there's a sacrifice of course

1Gigs of my musics and videos were unrecoverable
and 2Gigs of my scanned comics
thats 2 years of work
still searching some left over that can be used

oh did i mentioned my degrading memory?
used to be 512M
yesterday its 256M
and no its 128M
and its was borrowed...

help me not to hang my self...