Sky after rain its the single most beautifull sky in the world. Lights shine through the clouds. Plus, rainbow only came out after rain, no?

samara: the technology knowing ghost

Sunday, February 17, 2008

a few weeks ago, the movie "the ring" and "the ring 2" was played in national tv
yeah right, i just watch it..

one thing i noticed..
the main character (should i say, the main villain?) was samara (originally sadako in japan)
is a ghost (of course..)
and she know technology..
you see..
what is your favorite ghost
casper? --> har
well, they scare people with the most tradisional way..

lets take a look at samara (or sadako if you prefer)
she came out from tv!!!
its quite surprising how a child like that already past technology school
she should know aboout electricity to avoid those cables inside tv..
and not to mention telephone line (fyi: she used to call you and say "seven days.." with a scary voice)
she's better than a regular electrical students

PS: if you like electricity, go to your local video rental, and borrow a nameless tape with samara on it, ask her!