Sky after rain its the single most beautifull sky in the world. Lights shine through the clouds. Plus, rainbow only came out after rain, no?


Thursday, April 02, 2009

hannibal lecter
i like this kind of person which bring shiver when his name was called
showed first time on novel red dragon in 1981 by thomas harris
(on my wish list already..)

an uber intelligent person with calm personalities that can kill you in your pleasure..
his character was played by anthony hopkins
very well indeed..

first movie was manhunter in 1986
(i'm still wearing diapers at that time..)
tried to search it on movie rental, resulting "not found"
already watch 3 sequel of it
silence of the lambs, hannibal, and red dragon
yet still searching the recent sequel 'hannibal rising'

wondering what will happen if i met someone who can kill me just by talking to him..
similar characters are in comic by naoki urasawa 'monster'