Sky after rain its the single most beautifull sky in the world. Lights shine through the clouds. Plus, rainbow only came out after rain, no?

boring makes dangerous

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

there is a show called doctor*ology starring leslie nelson
such a hillarious person
i watch the immune episode about (of course) immun*ology

it happen that, our immune system is like our soldiers
guarding against bacteria or any unknown things
and those defence included fever
because most bacteria dies in higher temperature

and believe it or not, they need training just like real soldiers
they need to identify the first attack to fight against the next attack
one simple example was chicken pox
once you had it, you'll never catch it again in your whole life
and there's a good hint
you cant be too much clean
cause if you do that, yous 'soldiers' wont train
sometimes, they got bored, and attack your body tissues for having fun
making you ill, this is calles lupus

last notes:
get dirty to train your soldiers!


Anonymous said...

PiUuuuh, Untung gw jarang mandi..^_^

kemana aja bung, jamannya jogging nih..

Tee said...

Well that doctor'ology or something is quite a nice show. I'm kinda like it somehow..

Billie D Zarudo said...

hidup jarang mandi!!!
ah kamu il..
kamu yg ilang gw yg disalahin..
gw dah dihajar waktu bulu tangkisan ama temen kkn ni..
butuh latihan lagi coy!